Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Doctor Valenzuela, think the contraception pill is effective in determinates cases, depending of days take the pill before the ovulation. If the women took the LNG EC between 0-24 h postcoitus, the maximal effectiveness should be 56.1%. But, if this pill is used like an anovulatory drug, the effectiveness should be 100%.

The Doctor Croxato have several objections about this study, because didn’t have a description of the mechanism of action about the LNG EC. Also, he says the probabilities of pregnancy wasn’t calculated clinically, but based on detection of hCG. And the real probabilities are lower. Another objection of this doctor is about the erroneous assumption of which day of the six fertile days sexual intercourse took place. In another hand, the effects of LNG upon cervical mucus and sperm migration aren’t well-documented.

The debate about levonorgestrel is the strictly preovulatory vs. preovulatory and postovulatory effects in emergency contraception of this pill.

I think, like a lot of pills, the effect of this pill isn’t strictly preovulatory. Because, is a medicine, with different substances composing it. And these components, maybe, can affect in every period of life to the organism. And I think also in the postovulatory.

Finally, respect of government, in the law says: The constitution guarantee to all people: the right of life, and physical and psychological integrity of each person. The law protects the life of newborn. But, actually isn’t work because this pill is defined like “antiimplantatoria”, not like abortion pill (despite being this last). Is just a semantic recourse that permits undermine law.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A little history about trigger points...


This time I’m going to talk about trigger points. A trigger point is a little muscle spasm, and produce pain in different degrees, depending of how long you have it, and the localization, and also how it extends. If you had a trigger point, you would do a massage in the affected area. If that trigger point have a long data (months or years), it will be difficult resolve it, but with patience and effort you can do it in less than a week. To treat the trigger points, you must do 6 times during a day massage pressing that point and move your finger only in one direction, and that’s what causes pain that you must withstand.

Trigger points are one of the most common causes of acute and chronic pain. For example, a man who I knew had pain in the shin. When he did sports the pain rise up, and I thought: “I could practice the technique in him, and if these don’t result, it doesn’t matter… ja!” I teach to him the method of this massage, and in less than a week he was totally healed.

In another situation I helped to my grandmother with a shoulder pain. She went to the doctor for this and he said: “This pain is because your age” … ajajaj. But I said: “Mmmm, and if I try apply the technique with my grandmother? ... and I did, and resulted!.

That’s my history today… I hope everyone knows this method.