Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chile / Sweden things


I think, many points that teacher said, like roll of woman and man in house and in the society, are very important to us, like society.

About this first thing, I think we should evolve like community. Because in this days, women has the role of take care of their children, principally. The man of house have role of monetary contribution in house. Generally the person responsible of clearing and most of the rest tasks in house is the woman, or mother. But there are exceptions. And I think this is every day more common see father sharing house tasks with mother.

In addition, another important thing is that women increasingly are doing things that were done only by men, for example, in relation to the workplace. This is very different in more developed societies, like sweden. The role of women in this country is not as in Chile, because they share the tasks between men and women, may well share more with their children.

Another interesting thing that the teachers says was about the after morning pill. There was in this theme an important difference between Chile and Sweden, because here it’s punishable by law and condemned by the church.
In Sweden, the pill is publicly distributed, including women under 18 years old, but for the first 18 weeks (if I remember well).

To finish I think, Chile in comparison with Sweden, have to learn a lot of things yet. And be more tolerant like society in every aspect.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stress... friend or enemy

Stress is a syndrome or set of nonspecific physiological reactions of the organism to various environmental noxious agents of physical or chemical nature (Hans Selye, 1935).
The stress is caused by the instinct of the body to protect himself (Jean Benjamin Stora). This can be favorable or unfavorable, it depend of the situation. Stress is a “good thing” when we need run or fight, but is a “bad thing” in normal conditions (when we don’t need run or fight).
What things produce stress? Many things, and can be positive or negative situations. And a situation stressful to one person can be insignificant to another.

The stress affects organs and function of the entire organism. The most common symptoms are:
• Depression or anxiety
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Indigestion
• Rashes
• Sexual dysfunctions
• Rapid heartbeat
• Nervousness
The consequences of stress can be varied, and it depend if is acute or chronic stress.
Complications of acute stress are: Stress ulcer, state of shock, post traumatic neurosis, obstetric neurosis and state postsurgical. And in chronic stress we find: Dyspepsia, gastritis, anxiety, accidents, frustration, insomnia, nerve, colitis, migraine, depression, aggressiveness, family dysfunction.

It’s doesn’t exist any method simple and infallible to cure the stress, but we can do some things to relearn how do everyday tasks to do it well and be better with oneself. For example: Establish clear priorities, delegate responsibility, learn to say no to commitments that can not be enforced, do well and soon we can do and forget all about what can not, take on challenges such as sequences of small steps.

And an important help to counteracts the stress is do sports!
